Final Presentation

Sabato 15 settembre si è concluso il Workshop, i 12 artisti hanno potuto finalmente esporre le proprie opere. La mattinata è stata dedicata all’allestimento di GjiroArt Centre e della via dinanzi al locale. Grazie al contributo di Ertil Bello, abbiamo addobbato...


Marco Terranova, architect and carpenter born Sicilian in 1974, graduates in Venice in 1999 at IUAV. He spends his entire professional life dealing with sustainable design issues through projects, building sites and educational activities. Since 2012 he designs and...


Claudio Beorchia (Vercelli, 1979), lives and works near Venice (Italy). He studied Design and Visual Arts at Iuav University in Venice and at the Fine Arts Academy “Brera” in Milan. He obtained a Ph.D. in Design Sciences – Department of Design and Planning of...